Our Services




Reach Efforts

www.reachrenton.org Washington Generators is happy to support Reach Renton.  Last year WA Generators Met with Reach and the Mayor. The care and concern Reach board members have for struggling community members is so impressive.  Over the years we have seen the integrity Reach Board Members have by efficiently using all donations help lift and support the needing.   Money get to where it is needed most without excessive administrative costs and expenses.


The REACH Center of Hope is a day center and night shelter for homeless families and single women. The Center of Hope partners with a number of agencies to ensure that our clients are accessing every avenue possible as they make their journey from homelessness to stability.

The Center of Hope’s Mission is to provide unhoused families with low barrier shelter and daytime support designed to navigate them towards housing first.

We are under the structure of Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches, or REACH for short. REACH is a collection of faith and community groups in the greater Renton area, that works to provide everyone in our community a sustainable, healthy, and full life, with special care directed to the marginalized and less fortunate. We believe that every life has innate worth, and seek to embody that belief by providing shelter, hot meals, clothing, and supplies, while facilitating education events and public conversation. Together we can impact our world for good.

REACH is a community of local churches and partner agencies. We are interested in working together to find ways to help all members of the Renton community have what they need to be safe and well.

We began about 40 years ago as a group of churches in the community who came together to advocate and work for those in need. We have, over the years developed important and valued relationships with many community partners and REACH is now recognized for its collaboration and compassionate work on behalf of the greater Renton area. We operate out of the conviction that all people have incredible gifts, and that we have a better chance at wholeness when these diverse gifts are nurtured and offered for the good of the world. We are a space where gifts are celebrated and nurtured. We pay attention and respond to the needs amongst and around us. All are welcome. Ours is not just an organization for pastors and church leaders, but for anyone who wants to find meaning and wholeness by living in a compassionate and sustainable community. ?

What Reach Does


  • Breakfast and lunch
  • Companionship
  • Hygiene, showers and laundry services
  • Housing navigation
  • Clothing distribution and referral
  • Housing and employment resources
  • Mail, phone, and computer services
  • Health care support
  • Tutoring, and youth and children services
  • Library and media center


  • A safe, warm and welcoming place to be between 8pm and 7:30am seven nights/week for up to 55 individuals.
  • Staff and volunteers are on hand to answer questions and to provide assistance.
  • “Lights out” is at 10pm. Both guests and staff sleep at the Night Shelter.
  • In the morning, children are picked up for school directly from either the Night Shelter or the Day Center, and the shelter closes at 7:30am.

We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of all with whom we partner and serve. Our approach and services are based in a companionship model that prioritizes the unique strengths, goals, and needs of each client to help them move into their own housing.

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