Generac Standby Generator Pad Shoreline, WA

One of my favorite things about living in the Seattle area is being close to the pacific ocean.  From time to time we will go to ocean shores and play on beach, go “razor clamming”.  My kids love to play in the sand and have built many sand castles on the beach.  On more than one occasion the waves have ended up crashing over the top of our castles on the beach….and in an instant they are washed away.

Remember the old saying “the wise may built his house upon the rock”?   For our generator installations we have gone to a concrete Genpad pictured below.  It is much more stable than many alternatives.  We never put our generators on a “sandy foundation”.  Previously we used crushed rock and it was effective, but we have been pleased with this new method and so have our customers.

We are now stocking Genpads for all our generator installations, and in a lot of cases are selling these for other customers installs.  There are threaded holes built into the pad that allow us to bolt both Generac and Kohler generators right to the concrete pad.  If you need one give us a call.