Simple fixes-How to reset your GFCI

This post is dedicated to helping our customers save time and money on simple electrical fixes when possible.  Frequently we receive call when the power goes out in a small part of the home (Bathroom, kitchen, garage etc…)

Don’t hesitate to call us but you might be able to fix the issue in a few minutes by yourself. Below are some simple pointers that can get your power back on fast!

Many times the power has gone out because of a tripped Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. GFCI’s are code required in GARAGES, KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, and any OUTDOOR RECEPTACLE.

If you notice power is out:

  1. Look for GFCI’s in the locations listed above and reset them

There are two buttons on a GFCI receptacle “test” and “reset”.  “test” turns off power and “reset” turns power back on.

If the GFCI receptacle is reset it will turn on any receptacle that is “downstream from it.  This could turn the power back on to all your bathroom plugs, kitchen receptacles etc…

Be sure to search behind freezers and other items that may be hiding GFCI receptacles. click here for one homowners story finding a hidden GFCI plug.

If this doesn’t solve problem please see “simple fixes post” on how to reset your circuit breakers.

Still now power? Many times there is a serious issue that needs to be fixed.

Give us a call 253-561-5828