Our first step was visiting the Mercer Island city call to purchase our gas and electrical permits.
This install used a 200 amp SE rated ATS. For a clean look we are going to install the DLM modules next to the ATS to limit the load to the maximum of 75 amps that is can produce while running on natural gas. The DLM’s will automatically disconnect high demand load preventing generator overload and then reconnect them when the load has moderated.
The generator location was around the back side of the house. The 20kw has the all aluminum enclosure with the trim skirt. This is optional for any model down to 8kw and it looks great.
The existing gas meter is undersized and will be upgraded. Look closely and you can see the gas shut off valve is buried in the dirt. If there was an emergency it might not even be possible to shut the gas off. As I tell my customers, what is the point of getting a large 20kw generator and then under-supplying the gas so it performs like a 10kw? (but I see this in many cases). This meter will be upgraded along with the line feeding the house and its going to work fantastic!