
5 tips to buying the right portable generator for a manual generator connection

1. The 30/50 rule.
Keep it simple by realizing that manual transfer switches basically come in only two varieties; 30 amps and 50 amps.

2. Calculate how much power you need. Using this simple online calculator.click here to calculate

3. Generator wattage? While it it’s true that the most precise way to calculate the capacity of the generator is with some simple mathematical formulas, Understand that the easier way is to see if a generator has a 30amp or 50amp output plug built in. 30 amps is almost exactly equivalent to a 7000 watt generator, 50 amps would be a 12,000 watt generator.

4. What is the must common? 98% of all portable generator transfer switches we install are 30amp. My experience has been that when a well pump(or other large loads) are involved a 50amp connection may be needed, but this it’s the exception instead of the rule.

5. Does the Generator brand matter? The short answer is yes, but that is with a word of caution. Even the best quality generator can be ruined by improper maintenance and care. A 6,500 watt Honda can cost $2,100 vs a 6,500 watt Generac for $950. Despite the cost difference either generator may not run unless maintained properly. Our number one issue with portable generators is gasoline left in the tank for more than one year that ends up clogging the carburetor. This usually ends up causing a carburetor rebuild.